Thursday, October 17, 2013

About Avon and me!.

Why I  love selling avon?! because its giving me the opportunity to spend time with my family! Organize my home, educate my kiddos and also it's giving me time to study what i love.....   Have 2 kiddos Kevin Manuel he's 5 years old and Dylan Alejandro hes 1 year old
and Yes I'm married with the most wonderful husband in the world .... I love to meet new people... I will be proud to be your avon representative... 

Vende Avon!

Quieres tener tu propio negocio? Entonses unete a mi equipo y aste representative de avon como? Ve a: y entra el codigo de refrencia: daisy0712 

NOW it's the time!

Start doing what your love! Become an avon representative:Apply now enter referece code : daisy0712 ... Yes Avon can be the answer !!!