Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pore Penetraiting!. 😍

This is what I use pore penetrating Scrub and pore penetrating Mask I use them 2 times a week... 😍
Pore penetrating gel cleanser I use it everyday..😁😜

Thursday, October 16, 2014

....My favorite avon products....

True color eyeshadow Quat.
1. Chocolate sensation 
2.mocha latte
3.mod muse

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Hi my avon lovers! Hope you are having a great day, I really love that you have the time to visit my page! Well today we  had lots of fun at my moms house...  We are home right now my oldest son is at his room playing with his favorite toys and my little one is sleeping :) that's  why I'm here writing in my blog hehehehehe.  N-e ways  I gonna share with you some of my favorite avon products... First one: glimmerstick  brow definer favorite color: (tawny) I have been  using it for about 3 yrs ago and I really like it.... 2nd one: glimmerstick  eye-liner: (blackest black)... You can get yours at my store: I hope to have the time to post more about my favorite products... See you guys later...
                     Buy some Avon at my store:Click here!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Become an avon consult

Join my team an become an avon representative!
            If you want to know/hear more about how to become an AVON Representative contact me: (623)-229-6846 (text me). 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Compra avon con migo!

Como comprar avon?
1. Visita mi sitio: Compra Avon Con Migo
2. Registrate para comprar Los mejores productos
3. Selecciona las intimas que mas te gusten
4. Check out y no olvides entrar el codigo de cupon..
               Gracias por escojerme como tu representate!..

Like mi pagina de Facebook Avon Representate Daisy N

Thursday, October 17, 2013

About Avon and me!.

Why I  love selling avon?! because its giving me the opportunity to spend time with my family! Organize my home, educate my kiddos and also it's giving me time to study what i love.....   Have 2 kiddos Kevin Manuel he's 5 years old and Dylan Alejandro hes 1 year old
and Yes I'm married with the most wonderful husband in the world .... I love to meet new people... I will be proud to be your avon representative...